stringify Function

public pure function stringify(token) result(str)

Represent a token as string


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(toml_token), intent(in) :: token

Token to represent as string

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

String representation of token

Source Code

pure function stringify(token) result(str)
   !> Token to represent as string
   type(toml_token), intent(in) :: token
   !> String representation of token
   character(len=:), allocatable :: str

   select case(token%kind)
   case default; str = "unknown"
   case(token_kind%invalid); str = "invalid sequence"
   case(token_kind%eof); str = "end of file"
   case(token_kind%unclosed); str = "unclosed group"
   case(token_kind%whitespace); str = "whitespace"
   case(token_kind%comment); str = "comment"
   case(token_kind%newline); str = "newline"
   case(token_kind%dot); str = "dot"
   case(token_kind%comma); str = "comma"
   case(token_kind%equal); str = "equal"
   case(token_kind%lbrace); str = "opening brace"
   case(token_kind%rbrace); str = "closing brace"
   case(token_kind%lbracket); str = "opening bracket"
   case(token_kind%rbracket); str = "closing bracket"
   case(token_kind%string); str = "string"
   case(token_kind%mstring); str = "multiline string"
   case(token_kind%literal); str = "literal"
   case(token_kind%mliteral); str = "multiline-literal"
   case(token_kind%keypath); str = "keypath"
   case(token_kind%int); str = "integer"
   case(token_kind%float); str = "float"
   case(token_kind%bool); str = "bool"
   case(token_kind%datetime); str = "datetime"
   end select
end function stringify