toml_escape_string Subroutine

public subroutine toml_escape_string(raw, escaped, multiline)

Escape all special characters in a TOML string


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(kind=tfc, len=*), intent(in) :: raw

Raw representation of TOML string

character(kind=tfc, len=:), intent(out), allocatable :: escaped

Escaped view of the TOML string

logical, intent(in), optional :: multiline

Preserve newline characters

Source Code

subroutine toml_escape_string(raw, escaped, multiline)

   !> Raw representation of TOML string
   character(kind=tfc, len=*), intent(in) :: raw

   !> Escaped view of the TOML string
   character(kind=tfc, len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: escaped

   !> Preserve newline characters
   logical, intent(in), optional :: multiline

   integer :: i
   logical :: preserve_newline

   preserve_newline = .false.
   if (present(multiline)) preserve_newline = multiline

   escaped = '"'
   do i = 1, len(raw)
      select case(raw(i:i))
      case default; escaped = escaped // raw(i:i)
      case('\'); escaped = escaped // '\\'
      case('"'); escaped = escaped // '\"'
         if (preserve_newline) then
            escaped = escaped // raw(i:i)
            escaped = escaped // '\n'
         end if
      case(TOML_FORMFEED); escaped = escaped // '\f'
      case(TOML_CARRIAGE_RETURN); escaped = escaped // '\r'
      case(TOML_TABULATOR); escaped = escaped // '\t'
      case(TOML_BACKSPACE); escaped = escaped // '\b'
      end select
   end do
   escaped = escaped // '"'

end subroutine toml_escape_string