tomlf_de_lexer Module

Provides tokenization for TOML documents.

The lexer provides a way to turn a stream of characters into tokens which are further processed by the parser and turned into actual TOML data structures. In the current structure no knowledge about the character stream is required in the parser to generate the data structures.

The validity of all tokens can be guaranteed by the lexer, however syntax errors and semantic errors are not detected until the parser is run. Identification of invalid tokens and recovery of the tokenization is done on a best effort basis.

To avoid overflows in the parser due to deeply nested but unclosed groups, the lexer will always tokenize a complete group to verify it is closed properly. Unclosed groups will lead to the first token of the group getting invalidated, to allow reporting in the parsing phase.

Derived Types

type, public, extends(abstract_lexer) ::  toml_lexer

Tokenizer for TOML documents.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: buffer = 0

Index in the buffer queue

character(kind=tfc, len=:), public, allocatable :: chunk

Current source chunk, for convenience stored as character array rather than string

type(toml_context), public :: context

Douple-ended queue for buffering tokens

character(len=:), public, allocatable :: filename

Name of the source file, used for error reporting

integer, public :: pos = 0

Current internal position in the source chunk

type(stack_item), public, allocatable :: stack(:)

Stack of scopes, used to identify the current state of the lexer

integer, public :: top = 0

Last scope of the lexer

Type-Bound Procedures

generic, public :: extract => extract_string, extract_integer, extract_float, extract_bool, extract_datetime ../../

Extract a token

procedure, public :: extract_bool ../../

Extract a boolean from a token

procedure, public :: extract_datetime ../../

Extract a timestamp from a token

procedure, public :: extract_float ../../

Extract a float from a token

procedure, public :: extract_integer ../../

Extract an integer from a token

procedure, public :: extract_string ../../

Extract a string from a token

procedure, public :: get_info ../../

Get information about source

procedure, public :: next ../../

Obtain the next token


public subroutine new_lexer_from_file(lexer, filename, error)

Create a new instance of a lexer by reading from a file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(toml_lexer), intent(out) :: lexer

Instance of the lexer

character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

Name of the file to read from

type(toml_error), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error code

public subroutine new_lexer_from_string(lexer, string)

Create a new instance of a lexer by reading from a string.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(toml_lexer), intent(out) :: lexer

Instance of the lexer

character(kind=tfc, len=*), intent(in) :: string

String to read from

public subroutine new_lexer_from_unit(lexer, io, error)

Create a new instance of a lexer by reading from a unit.

Read more…


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(toml_lexer), intent(out) :: lexer

Instance of the lexer

integer, intent(in) :: io

Unit to read from

type(toml_error), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error code