new_lexer_from_unit Subroutine

public subroutine new_lexer_from_unit(lexer, io, error)

Create a new instance of a lexer by reading from a unit.

Currently, only sequential access units can be processed by this constructor.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(toml_lexer), intent(out) :: lexer

Instance of the lexer

integer, intent(in) :: io

Unit to read from

type(toml_error), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error code

Source Code

subroutine new_lexer_from_unit(lexer, io, error)
   !> Instance of the lexer
   type(toml_lexer), intent(out) :: lexer
   !> Unit to read from
   integer, intent(in) :: io
   !> Error code
   type(toml_error), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

   character(:, tfc), allocatable :: source, line
   integer, parameter :: bufsize = 512
   character(bufsize, tfc) :: filename, mode
   integer :: stat

   inquire(unit=io, access=mode, name=filename)
   select case(trim(mode))
   case default
      stat = 1

   case("sequential", "SEQUENTIAL")
      allocate(character(0) :: source)
         call read_whole_line(io, line, stat)
         if (stat > 0) exit
         source = source // line // TOML_NEWLINE
         if (stat < 0) then
            if (is_iostat_end(stat)) stat = 0
         end if
      end do
      call new_lexer_from_string(lexer, source)
   end select
   if (len_trim(filename) > 0) lexer%filename = trim(filename)

   if (stat /= 0) then
      call make_error(error, "Failed to read from unit")
   end if
end subroutine new_lexer_from_unit